Punch this.

Today, some random “personal reveals” about me. Just because I will stop at nothing for the good of the blog. When I go to the grocery store, half the fun of it for me is bagging the groceries. I always

I’ve got this

Fell is a bit of a funny sounding word. When you say it slow, it reminds me of Jerry Lewis in The Nutty Professor. Regardless. When it is used in context, or any of its relatives are used, it seldom

Walk this way

History serves up little dishes of this and that for us to sample. We look back on those things, and either give our approval of how it tastes, or our disapproval, depending on the event. One such item occurred in

Art Dog Lessons

Our life is full of moments. One, right after the next. Last night, I went to the Bad Art, Good Folk 2018 Celebration. It is a very big night for the Preble County Art Association. I am serving my fourth