Light the cake

  As birthdays go, this is certainly one of them. Every day is a birthday somewhere. For someone. In America, we have certain traditions surrounding the birthday. There is the ubiquitous cake. It doesn’t really matter the flavor, size, shape,

To get from there.

Here is the thing about navigation. It is planning a route. It is moving, from one place to another, successfully. Steering. Guiding. Directing. It is what we do in every bit, of every day, of our lives. We navigate. Most

Al and our mugs

In a magical dream last night, I was having a talk with Albert Einstein. We were drinking Ovaltine, and eating egg salad on saltines. I leaned forward on the table, and said, “Al. What’s the one thing we need to

Shake it baby.

“Dance.” That’s what the cowboy always says in the movie as he points the pistol at the scoundrel’s feet. That is, in my estimation, an unfortunate dance scenario. Another is the eighth grade school dance, and that nervous and awkward

Riddle me this.

I like to work crossword puzzles. I’ve been doing them since I was a kid. Not continually. Clearly, I go about other things in my day. But every now and again, I like to work one. But first. I think