The head.The heart.The soul. When all three are lined up, we can be sure, we are standing right where we need to be. Happy 2019. May all your beautiful being and awareness, feel exactly excellent.
Category: BeBop
You can learn some things by looking around you. Here are a few I saw while on vacation. The look and learns. Stand Up and Lean It is really good to stand tall and strong. It is also good to
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezeeee. Or. Hard As A Rock. That’s how a day might go. Either way. Or it could be a little bit of both. I like the days when things are floating. Like Ice Cream in a Glass
Scenes from the Edge…
Here are a couple of truths about me. Sometimes, I can’t relax very well. And on other occasions, I feel like I have forgotten to have fun. I’m not sure why or when this happened, but it is true. I
It is funny what we notice. And what we don’t. This morning, I put my shorts on inside out. I didn’t notice this until about 6:45 a.m. Even if I hadn’t caught it, I doubt that it would have mattered.
How do you say it?
I didn’t have cute little nicknames for “things” when I was growing up. It seems like if I called a “thing” by any name other than its own, someone set me straight on it. The older siblings must have had
Good it is.
Today, I saw a lot. I think most days are like that, if we notice. One of those hop-a-long birds at the beach, caught a little shellfish. The bird seemed to be filled with joy. Not so much for the
Market Quest
You see all sorts in this part of the world. Truth be told, you see all sorts, in ALL parts of the world. Diverse. That’s what we humans are. I like to see all sorts, in fact. And vacations are
Day Up, Day Down
Today, as is true of most days, had its ups and downs. What goes up must come down, or so they say. Mostly the wind and the rain came down… no matter how hard I tried to
What you see, is…..
Perceptions. But I’ll get back to that. One of the things we like about coming down to the Cayman Islands, is that it always feels really safe, as Caribbean Islands go. Like. When we visited Costa Rica, it didn’t